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Get to Know Me and My Philosophy

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"You do not have to accept sleep deprivation as part of being a parent!"


Julia Redmond

Baby and Child Sleep Consultant

When my second baby arrived, I thought I had the sleep thing covered; after all my daughter had always been a great sleeper. How wrong was I? 

As a new-born I would feed him at bedtime but instead of him drifting off into a nice peaceful slumber, he would finish, look more awake than before, and stare up at me, as if to say "so, now what?" …..and I would think to myself, "yes, NOW WHAT?"

I honestly didn’t know what to do or who to ask!

When he would wake in the night, to stop him crying I would try feeding him again.  Those few months felt like years, I can tell you.

I decided one day, after a month of not seeing my husband at all after dark, that something drastic had to change. I took to the Internet and stumbled across a baby sleep consultant.

I was very close to booking in to get advice when I saw an opportunity to train as one. This got me thinking, why not actually learn the skills so I can help myself and then help others too?


I am now passionate about spreading the word so that we as mothers realise that we don’t have to live our lives accepting sleep deprivation as part of the gig.



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Health, Support, Wellbeing

I offer a completely non-judgemental approach and will work closely with you, listening and creating a bespoke sleep plan for your family’s individual situation.  

My methods are gentle and designed to help support you and your child every step of the way to ensure that you and your little ones get a (very important) good night's sleep.

To find out how I can help you with a FREE 15 minute consultation by phone or zoom, please email me.

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